With a history that dates back over 3000 years, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic approach to health and healing that utilizes herbal medicine, acupuncture, nutrition, and other therapies to balance the interconnected systems of the body.
TCM works directly with the body's vital energy, which the ancient Chinese referred to as Qi (pronounced "chee"). This energy circulates through an elaborate network of pathways known as meridians.
When Qi is moving freely in the body, we enjoy a sense of physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing as nourishment is provided to our cells, organs, glands, and muscles. But when the energy flow becomes disrupted through injury, stress, negative emotions, or poor diet, it can result in pain, mood swings, fatigue, illness, or disease.
The art and practice of TCM focuses on activating and balancing the circulation of Qi so that the body can heal itself more productively.